Family and Ancestors of Arthur Whitten

Arthur Whitten was born in Albion, Maine, in 1913.

Arthur’s mother, Edna Jackson’s family, were among the earliest settlers in Maine. Her ancestors include several Revolutionary War Patriots, Albert Carr “The Maine Apple King”, William Nickerson, who founded Chatham, Massachusetts, Tristam Coffin, who settled Nantucket, and Pilgrim Francis Cooke.

Additional information on Arthur’s family is shared below, with more to come as my research continues.

  • Albert Clement Carr

    1828 - 1894

    Discover the story of Albert Clement Carr, Arthur’s great-grandfather, who was known as the “Apple King of Maine.” His success in the gold rush led to a lucrative apple export business in the late 1800’s. I prepared this brief biography for the author of an upcoming book on the history of apple farming in Winthrop, Maine.

  • Fred Jackson's Gold Rush Scandal

    1856 - 1909

    A recent writing project uncovered the story of Fred Jackson, Arthur’s grandfather, and an 1898 gold rush scandal. The scandal crossed thousands of miles and was reported in newspapers in several states in the late 1800s. Click the link below to read the whole story.

  • Pilgrim Francis Cooke

    c. 1583 - 1663

    Pilgrim Francis Cooke is Arthur Whitten’s eighth great-grandfather. He was also a signer of the Mayflower Compact and surveyed many of the original roads established in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Direct descendants of Arthur Whitten are eligible to join the General Society of Mayflower Descendants and may contact me for more details. A brief summary of his life is available at the Mayflower Society by clicking the link below.

  • Tristam Coffin

    c. 1609 - 1681

    Arthur’s seventh great-grandfather, Tristam Coffin, was one of eight men who purchased and settled Nantucket Island, Massachusetts, in 1659. Tristam later became the Governor of Nantucket. He had previously lived in Newbury, Massachusetts, where the Coffin home is maintained as a historic site. Historic New England has a wonderful history of the home on their website You can learn more about Tristam’s life in the article by Alicia Crane Williams at American Ancestors by clicking the link below.

  • Dionis Stevens Coffin

    1613 - 1684

    Dionis Stevens Coffin, Arthur’s seventh great-grandmother, was the wife of Tristam Coffin, who settled Nantucket, Massachusetts. Dionis is named as one of “Nantucket’s Mothers,” and a statue has been erected in their honor in the Founders Cemetery on Cliff Road in Nantucket. Additionally, Dionis Beach in Nantucket is named after Dionis Stevens Coffin.

  • William Nickerson

    1604 - 1690

    William Nickerson, Arthur’s eight great-grandfather, was the founder of Chatham, Massachusetts. The Nickerson Family Association features the Caleb Nickerson homestead in Chatham and membership is available to all direct descendants of William Nickerson. A wonderful history of his life has been written by the association and can be found by clicking the link below.

  • Revolutionary War Patriot James Lane

    1745 - 1819

    James Lane, Arthur’s third great-grandfather, served in the Revolutionary War, including as a guard in Captain John Berry’s company over captured British troops at Winter Hill, Somerville in 1778. He is recognized as a Patriot by both the Daughters and Sons of the American Revolution. Direct descendants of Arthur Whitten are eligible to join either organization and may contact me for more information. Photo credit to Dale Potter Clark.

  • Nathaniel Morton

    1616 - 1685

    Nathaniel Morton was Arthur’s fifth great-grandfather. He arrived in Plymouth three years after the Mayflower and served as Secretary under his uncle Governor William Bradford. His book “The New-England’s Memorial”, 1669, was the first work ever published describing the early history of Plymouth and its founders from 1620 - 1668. The book is still in print and available at bookstores. Annually since 1961, The Wall Street Journal publishes an excerpt from Morton's book on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving Day.


Elizabeth McGowan


Marion Butler